My Projects

February 18, 2017

Bike in a Medieval Town

Since I remember I've been fascinated with History, trying to understand how people have lived in the old times. Many times I think how could I have turned out if I were born in a certain (different) era in history..

Cetatea Rasnov is one of my very favorite (medieval) places... I've been there many many times and every time I discover something new in that little "town" with old walls and tiny and hilly streets.
The last time I went there - last summer - I found the place a little busier with a lot more tourists (bitter sweet surprise) but also a lot more "developed": more souvenir stores, some more rustic, some more "chic". And... of course ... I could not walk by without stopping to take a picture of the chic bike against that old medieval wall I liked so much...


California fun

Sun, salty ocean air, tons of fun things to do... That's CA. That and the fun looking cars that are the image of the free Californian spirit and people that know how to live life..

Sometimes I think about would I could have been or done if I were born or at least been part of the CA culture earlier on in my life ... All this crazy East Coast stress and the "I don't have time to even breath" - would these still define me?
I would have probably been the most stressed Californian...


Cali Way

Last November I visited San Diego for the first time... Though so many times before I went over and over in my head "Hmmm... I don't think I'd ever move out of Boston", during any of those 10 days in San Diego my brain was (silently) singing a different tune... More like... "Wow.. is this place for real? Does this really exist? I wish I lived here...".

Nice ocean breeze, nice long beaches with amazing sand and waves, amazing views, amazing food, amazing weather... So... Yes... I am in love with the magical San Diego!


February 17, 2017


Or... On a day when we saw the sun again beyond the highest forts of snow.. On a day when I dared to hope that spring is still a possibility and that ... maybe.. just maybe.. we'll survive this long and abundant winter...
Spring is my very favorite time of the year. I can't wait for that energy that melting snow, freshly new green grass, amazing flowers and flourly smells give me..
I come to live every spring